In honor of my grandmothers would-be 90th birthday, I want to share the #GirlBoss story of Sherytha Scaife. She didn’t talk about her career much because this woman was no talk, all action.
My grandmother was born to humble means in Helena, Arkansas. She secretly eloped with my grandfather at 17 (married women weren’t allowed to graduate high school back then) and was a mother of four by 25.

In 1974, she and my grandfather founded Music Incorporated (Context, that was the same year it became legal for women to get a credit card in their name). Music Incorporated became home to three of the longest running independently owned music labels in Music Row history (sold 2005).

Before passing, she became a SOURCE Hall of Fame recipient for her ability to shine as a female in a male dominated industry. She never used profanity, drank, or lost her temper.

I wish my grandmother had been more vocal with me about the impact she made on an industry and Nashville. I hope reading this encourages you
1) to go hug your grandmother is she’s still with us
2) never be afraid to share your story, and
3) never leave the house without an umbrella